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Our main goal is to ensure that individuals in the education and training age are integrated into the society with appropriate and qualified methods and activities that increase their ability in the field of education and profession. We provide online and in-person service.

He has a high education level, learns by assimilation instead of memorizing, uses knowledge instead of filling with knowledge, is successful not only in exams, but also in inter-school studies related to culture, art, sports and all branches of science. level of knowledge Our corporate mission is to raise educated individuals who can think freely and express their thoughts clearly, have an international vision, adhere to values, open to universal values, speak a foreign language, and can conduct scientific studies. They will be the bright leaders of the future.

It has committed to raising individuals who have developed self-confidence, participate in social and cultural activities, are aware of national values, can use resources effectively and efficiently, respect democratic values, and are understanding in order to raise modern, qualified individuals. It is an educational approach that guides science.

Loving and protecting life, people and nature,
Adding value to the country and humanity,
Open to science and scientific studies, believing in continuous improvement and self-confident,
Respecting the rights of others, taking responsibility for their country and age,
Loves art and sports
Learning by assimilation, not by rote, questioning,
Using information instead of filling oneself with information,
Free thinker and able to express his thoughts clearly,
To raise individuals with an international vision, committed to local values ​​and open to universal values.